
Jan 16, 2020

Sparky was my nine year old boys Birthday gift. He picked him out of about 6 other puppies. He said, “I like this one mom, he has a little spark to him.” Later I found out he also named his that because it was Benjamin Franklin’s imaginary dogs name. Sparky died on 1/3/2020. He would have been 15 years old on Valentines day. My son is now 23. He was such good dog and lived a nice long spoiled life. I will say, like all labs, he was a handful his first 3 to 4 years though. Chewing up all kinds of things, and he was a master escape artist. If you even opened the door for a small sliver, he would squeeze by your leg, running down the street only to be followed by me, a single mom with 2 young sons in the car holding a hot dog out the window to entice him singing a special song, “pepper rowne rowne rowne, peperoni!” He did outgrow that eventually. His favorite thing was taking walks, camping, hiking, playing with toys and Friday night pizza night which he got to eat the crust and would wait by the door when the doorbell rang. He would whistle when he was excited and also began to do his own riff raff bark in the end when he wanted something. He will be so missed. We were all lucky to love him and spend a last very special Christmas with him. We were also so lucky and blessed to have Caring Pathways come to our house while in desperate need, and put our beloved dog into comfort, and to a peaceful end. RIP our little forever friend.



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