
Jan 23, 2020

Princess 4/1/2000 – 4/24/2019

Princess was adopted at just 4 months old and, because we haven’t been able to have children, she became like a child, to us. We got her so that our other cat, Gonzo, had a pal and they became inseparable.

Princess was always under our feet, loved any kind of food, and she would meow to where it sounded like she was saying “hello,” to us! Although she initially hated other cats, she eventually accepted two more cats, after Gonzo passed away. Her favorite thing was to go outside in her harness, on a leash, so she could roll in the dirt and try to eat grass!

Having Princess in our lives, taught us a valuable lesson; Never give up, no matter how challenging life may be! She certainly never did!

She was diagnosed as diabetic at 8 years old and had neuropathy so bad that she walked on her rear hocks, for the rest of her life. She, also, started having IBD issues at 12 years old. Despite all of her health problems, she was always happy, loving and never let her legs slow her down! Her diabetes went into remission and she lived to be 19 years old!

Princess will always hold a very special place in our hearts. She was our “little girl” and our shadow. She loved us unconditionally and we loved her, the same. We had her for half of our lives so, losing her was really hard. But, we know she’s no longer in pain and is watching and waiting for us, to join her one day.

Ryan and Melissa Sitzman

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