
Feb 23, 2018

Thank you for the beautiful gift you gave us over the past 13 years–to be able to see life through your eyes has been priceless. I truly believe we all rescued each other. Your light was so bright and so joyful. You could be so silly. Remember all those treats we used to split in our younger days–you would get the creme from the Oreos and I would get the chocolate. We will so miss you when it snows again–your Sassy version of shoveling and doggie snow angels. We will be lost without you there to open presents–not only yours but all of ours too. When it is time for the sprinklers to come on again we will pause and think of you with that silly grin waiting for the sprinkler heads to pop up and spray you. Lila and Bond will miss you herding them to wherever you thought they should go. It is not the same without you–the house is too quiet, our walks are missing our Sassy girl. We take great comfort in knowing you will be waiting for us and we will again see our beautiful girl. You will be forever in our hearts. We will honor you until our last moments on this Earth.

We love you “Tuckster”,

Mom & Dad, Lila, Bond, Ocean, and Charlie

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