Testimonial from Molly McCormick

May 24, 2022

Wow. Just wow. As pet owners, I think we all have a small piece of us that dreads the inevitable. Life comes and goes, and unfortunately no living creature can outrun that clock. My Hudson was 14 years old. I fostered him starting at 5 weeks, clearly that was a fail. Our bond was instant and I knew he was my dog, and I was his person.

May 22, 2022. We took one last trip to the park. Hud couldn’t walk well so we assisted him to a nice little grassy spot right next to the pond.
His nose instantly went up, taking in all the smells. The sun shining in his little glossy eyes making him squint. The wind blew his floppy ears back and we just cried together. He looked up at the sky and you could tell he was ready. I feel like my mom was shining down telling him she was waiting. He fought so hard, but the dementia was just too strong. B gave him so much ice cream, I gave him steak. The incredible Dr. Kim from Caring Pathways came over and we decided it was time. B and I cried, sharing memories and laughing about how obsessed he was with me (to the point where he literally refused to let go). I was his whole life, and he was mine.

He usually was terrified of the vet and in particular needles, but this time was different. He plopped himself on his bed on his own and looked at us all. He put his head in my arms and stared into my eyes and I told him “it’s okay, you can let go now boy.” I held him the entire time and reminded him of our times together. B promised him I would be okay. She loved him so hard, and he loved her. Two moms is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Harper sat right by us. After, we sat on the couch and Harper cried, actual tears. I’ve never seen that before. It was truly incredible.

Our animals are magic, they are so powerful. Hudson saved my life so many times, and I know I saved his.

I have never experienced such a deep sense of sadness with a pet but also relief and joy, and a lot of that goes to Caring Pathways. Dr Kim is truly an angel. Thank you to the entire team for giving us the space to say goodbye to our boy.

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