Testimonial from Linda Bitner

Nov 22, 2022

When I realized that it was time to say goodbye to our beloved cat, I called several places. The first was booked up for a week and I feared Curly would suffer badly if we waited that long. The fourth call I made was to Caring Pathways. I knew right away I’d found the right people. The woman who answered the phone was so warm and caring. I’d already told my story several times and was close to breaking down but she patiently listened and then answered my questions. An appointment was made for the next morning.

I’ve gone through this before with other pets and I know the agony of trying to decide whether the time is right. Curly had come to live with us after my sister died 4 months earlier and it felt like losing him was losing a part of her. He’d been declining for several weeks and had seen a specialist vet just 2 days before and they didn’t suggest euthanasia. But he’d lost a great deal of weight and for the last week hadn’t been eating or drinking much. After doing an exam, Dr. Emilea agreed the diagnosis of lymphoma was likely and said it looked like his time was short. We felt reassured that our decision was sound and it was best for Curly not to wait.

She gave us time to say our goodbyes and then gently and carefully made the injections. She gave us time alone with Curly afterward. That gave me time to tell him how much he helped us with our grief and thank him for his companionship. Dr. Emilea carefully placed Curly in a basket and departed.

If you find yourself in need of this service, you can trust that Caring Pathways will take good care at every step.

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