Testimonial from Jesse Manning

Jul 5, 2023

Making the decision to allow our beloved Puchi to transition from this life was the most difficult choice we’ve ever had to make. But once the decision was made, Caring Pathways provided absolutely incredible support. Chesney provided excellent guidance over the phone, helping us deal with a very tight schedule and working with us to make sure we had enough time to spend with Puchi before the end.

Dr. Emily Plock was a comforting presence from the minute she walked in our door. She treated Puchi with the utmost respect and care, explained every step in her process, and allowed us a precious final few moments with him before he passed. While we hope we don’t have to make these kinds of decisions often, I’d want Dr. Emily and the rest of the Caring Pathways team to support us any time we face these difficult decisions.

Thank you to the entire team, and especially to Dr. Emily, for the best, most compassionate care I’ve experienced anywhere, and for helping our Puchi make his final journey in comfort and peace.

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