
Feb 23, 2018

It is so hard to believe that just 4 weeks ago we gave our girl back to the loving arms of Jesus after being blessed to have her in my life for 22 years and my husband’s life for 8 years. She was our most favorite hello and hardest goodbye without a doubt. Tulip was one special cat, my very best friend, a first class lady, loving to all who entered our home and left a mark on many people’s lives. How can I not give glory to God for giving me the best gift of my life and for 22 years!!!! I always told her whoever gets to Heaven first to save a place. I have no doubt I will see her again. I know that she understood me when I thanked her for all the happiness and love she had given me. I will miss her purr, her meow, her crying for her ice water and breakfast and her fur on my clothes. Our home is not the same without our girl and we cry every day, but we are better humans because of knowing her. Although Tulip went to Heaven before Dr. Megan arrived, we were comforted by her words and caring voice and actions and my heart cannot thank you enough.

Joy and James M.

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