Tabbie & Obie

Apr 30, 2024

Obie and Tabbie McMonigle were two sisters, born in Texas but grew up in Colorado their whole lives. They didn’t come from the same litter, but the same father and loved each other dearly. Obie was your typical older sibling who was hot-headed and adventurous but one of the most loving animals you would ever meet, once she opened up to you. Tabbie, the typical younger sister, who annoyed her older sister, but loved every single person no matter if she just met them and always wanted to snuggle and receive rubs. Obie surpassed her younger sister by two years. Yesterday, they met again on the rainbow bridge, where they can love each other endlessly. Although we want them here with us, we are happy they can love each other, across the rainbow bridge. They were loved by so many. We miss you both forever.

– Dennis, Jill, Jim, Morgan & Tyler

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