
Dec 26, 2018

October 27, 2008-December 22, 2018

I’ll never forget the day I met my beautiful boy. The breeder asked me to choose which pup I wanted out of the litter. I had him close the crate they were in and then open it. Mogely came right to me while all the other pups mingled together. I then asked the breeder to put them back in the crate and again open the door and Mogely again came straight to me. He chose me. I have loved you from the very moment you walked over to me and I’ll love you until my last breath. Thank you, Mogely for this life with you and all the memories. I will miss your smile, your personality, your trot, your love for your brother, and your love for me. Thank you for loving and choosing me and also fighting so hard to stay with me.

Rest easy, sweet boy, the best boy.

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