
Dec 14, 2018

Walter “Peyton” Good Boy Christiansen was laid to rest on May 26, 2018. He was born in Colorado in the summer of 2006. He was a howler and a beggar and the best dog we ever had.  He was a comforter and a snuggler. He survived eating a burbar rug, drywall, a whole Easter basket full of chocolate, losing his big sister, Maddie, 2 new kids which came with ear pulling and being climbed on. He was our family, not just our pet. His presence is missed. He was a piece of God in our house.  Unconditional love and affection, he liked beer, popcorn, whipped cream. We miss you and your sweet squishy face and will love you forever. See you on the other side. We know you will be waiting for us.

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