Lucy Lu

Mar 6, 2023

I haven’t wanted to write this, but here we are, I lost sweet Lu October 20th, 2022.


Dear Lucy Lu, I still think about….
Your funny quirky ways
Your playful and crazy personality
Your love and tenderness….especially when you were sleepy
Your deep sleeps and early morning snuggles while you burrow under the blanket
Your long skinny legs with your tiny muscular Lu body
So fast and spritely, like a little wide receiver…as your grandpa would say
You’d try to show all the dogs who’s boss, and then pick a fight with the other alpha females
You were such a little ham, such a handful
You were my ride or die, And I was you, Lu!
Backpacking and camping and swimming
Hiking and jumping up and down boulders….my little athlete, you never got tired
If you did, your battery was recharged in only a couple hours
You kept me going, you got us out for fresh air, sunshine, and star gazing
You brought the kid out of me with all the playing and socializing, going up to complete strangers begging them to play
Lu, my little energizer bunny
So full of life and spirit and personality
Your big brown eyes, your side stares, (and your sighs), always watching your mama…even at the verrrry end
Lu needed to have one eye removed….that was so hard but you were such a little badass, Lu
It gave you street cred
Lucy Lu, you taught me true love
I’ll never understand why you had to leave me so early.
Sure, longer than some babies but 10.5 years Lu, just this last June I thought you’d live forever
Everything declined so fast summer of 2022, it was so hard, my girl was in so much pain
I’m grateful you never had to be fully blind
I’m grateful you don’t have to wake up to seizures anymore
I think about you every time I go to bed, when I wake up, when I cook, when I’m on the sofa, when I get home, when I’m in the shower…it’s like you’re still here because you are in my head and heart so deeply
Lu baby, I found you once and I’ll find out again
Thank you for being such an amazing companion
My little coo coo lu lu
I’m grateful I got to experience so many different phases of you Lu
I tried my best to keep you comfortable until the very end, baby girl and I was at peace when I saw you at peace
No more pain, just sleep. Forever sleep
But I will forever long for my Lu, until we meet again
I love you more than you’ll ever know or truly understand sweet baby girl, life just isn’t the same without you, Lu girl.


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