
Feb 23, 2018

There are no words for losing your best friend. Buggzi was just that, a girl’s best bud! He was my sidekick for 13 years. The love he gave was unconditional. He was there through the good and the bad times. I moved out at 17, and I got a dog for companionship. His name was given to him after I had all four wisdom teeth pulled and had to pick him up from Denver Dumb Friends League. I talked like Bugs Bunny with my swollen face, so he was to be called Buggzi. His name was very fitting, he loved to eat bees and flies. Within months of getting Buggzi I learned I was pregnant. Oh boy a baby and a puppy, what was I thinking? Buggzi and Noella had a bond the moment she started moving within me. He would play with her by pushing his cold wet nose into my belly and then you would see a little hand pushing back. My daughter was born premature at 34 weeks. She had to stay in the hospital for a couple weeks. Buggzi was depressed and sad until she came home. That was the beginning of an unbreakable bond. As she grew big enough they shared special cuddle times that included his 75-pound body sitting in her lap, that was one big lap dog! Him and I shared special Buggzi nose kisses, they were my favorite! Throughout the years our love grew between all of us. There was not a soul that didn’t love Buggzi after meeting him. He was present for every life event. All the moving, all the relationships, all the tears, all the smiles and so many countless memories. He was my go to friend when I needed a good judge of character. We tried to give Buggzi the best life we could. He was known as the bionic dog, with two knee replacements. I would have done anything to keep him living a long and happy life, he was my kid. In his prime we would all disappear and go hiking for hours. He was so fast and graceful. As I watched him grow old the hikes diminished and our walks got shorter. However, he still had the same excitement mentally to go on a walk. We never left him behind, we always let him go at his pace. Sniff, sniff snort!! Buggzi had to read all of his pee-mails and that took time. That time was perfect and so priceless. These hikes and walks always seemed to make him smile and that warmed our hearts. These are the memories we will never forget. As time flew by you could see his mind said yes but his body was tired and said no. All I ever wanted was to show him the same love he showed me. He was my best friend and always will be. I hope he always felt the love that we tried to give to him and the best life possible. This is probably one of the hardest losses I’ve gone through. Though it was difficult, I knew it was time for me to let him go. His eyes told me he was ready. The night before we planned the at home euthanasia we set up beds on the floor and snuggled all night. We woke up early to walk him one last time and feed him all his heart had ever desired: corn beef, potatoes, Mcmuffin, hash browns, and last but not least buttermilk brownies. Our family came over to say their “see you later” to Buggzi too. The veterinarian soon arrived. The euthanasia process was the most meaningful, peaceful one I have ever seen! He was truly at peace and no longer in pain. He was so calm and that was all that we had ever wished for in our, “see you later Buggzi”. Dogs never live long enough but the bond, great memories and the love live on forever. Loving and being loved by a dog is the true meaning of unconditional love! We love you to God’s house and back Buggzi.

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