
Feb 23, 2018

Immediately after being sedated, Ringo licked one gently time on my hand. It took about 5 minutes after the first injection. He knew his pain was over, and was well enough to say goodbye one last time, looking at me with his nose pointing down as he always did. After sedation, his eyes never fully closed, but we maintained close eye contact the entire time even though I knew he was sound asleep shortly thereafter.

Wiith head laying on my arm(we talked about car rides, mountain hikes, and that one time his girlfriend Lola ate a pika on a hike (which we all knew was wrong), chasing bunnies at night and long conversations I would have with him about life, that I am sure he did not care about. He was my friend with nothing required in return.

The only thing I had to do was come home and hug him. He would greet me as if this the first time in a long time every day!, and then anxiously await for me to play with him, or even better, go on another adventure. I want another adventure with him!!! but understand he just took the big one, too early for me, and I am sad. I do want to thank Caring Pathways for being so companionate and professional during this process. Your empathy, communication and professionalism is truly special and I thank you dearly.

Here is a pic from about a year and half ago of how he always was.

Thank you.

Jon, Everett and Amanda

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