
Oct 19, 2020

It’s a bit of a paradox to find beauty when making an end-of-life decision for the most loyal of family members and Caring Pathways helped guide us through this mournful life experience and exemplified this at every turn. Like many whose pets are truly family members, it’s difficult to come to terms with such a heartbreaking decision and Caring Pathways not only provides unequivocally compassionate services with each and every interaction, they also feel like partners throughout. Each interaction from the phone conversations to our scheduled date to put our beloved family member to rest reaches far beyond what we could have anticipated. After all is said and done, it’s reassuring to know that we absolutely made the right decision in choosing Caring Pathways and we’ll never forget and be forever grateful for Dr. Mavi and Dr. Gina as well as the wonderful folks we spoke with over the phone. Their mission of “providing peaceful, compassionate end of life care for pets with honesty, integrity and respect,” was not only well-founded from our experience, but their selfless dedication with these services is simply unparalleled. Just as we will never forget our beloved Bailey, we will always remember the wonderful folks at Caring Pathways!

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