Dear Dr. Kelly Knoll and Andrea Haugen,
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude, Dr. Knoll, for the kindness and compassion you provided to us as you helped Kodiak (Kodi) begin his eternal journey. Kodi, our majestic Alaskan malamute, was very at ease with your presence and gentle touch. Your skills efficiently soothed his pain as he peacefully departed from us.
Michiko and I were so very thankful for your tender support during this sad experience. We also were glad to receive the cast you created of Kodi’s paw as a reminder of many happy memories we shared with him over the years.
Thank you too, Andrea, for our initial discussion concerning Caring Pathways services for Kodi. The subsequent communications you provided clarified our options and helped us select your firm to assist him. We also appreciated your thoughtful manner and assistance to Dr. Knoll and us during Kodi’s last day.
Kodi left us on January 19th and the next night was the Super Full Blood Wolf Moon lunar eclipse. Michiko and I went went out on our back patio and as we witnessed that celestial event, we imagined we could hear Kodi’s normal full-moon evening howls echoing again through the neighborhood as well as throughout the cosmos as he freely ran through the heavenly skies.

John and Michiko Croft