Testimonial from Kim Carver

Mar 2, 2023

Our girl Dots came to us from the pound and she was days from being put down. We felt so lucky to be able to save her. She was a border collie probably mixed with something – maybe pointer since she did that all the time. The pound said she was 4 when we adopted her, but that can’t be true since we had her for nearly 15 years. My kids were 1 and 2 when we brought her home so they grew up together and now they are nearly men. She raised them well and protected them always. Being a senior dog meant of course there were many health issues going on and we knew since January that she also had a heart issue that was new. We were sadly on edge knowing 2023 would be her last year with us. On Sunday afternoon she largely lost the ability to use her back legs. If she could get up on her own, she could only walk a few feet and they would collapse on her. We knew it was time. She had a rough night and Caring Pathways came on Monday morning. I can’t say enough about them. This is the toughest decision a pet owner has to make and Dr. Emily reassured us after looking her over and talking with us (and seeing her unable to get up unassisted) that this was definitely the right call. I think we all needed to hear her professional opinion. As owners, we are so close to the animal and the situation, we can’t quite clearly see the facts. Dr. Emily was compassionate and calm, so great with Dots and so amazing with us. She was patient with our grief and our questions and she took so much time and care. Dots received a quiet, peaceful, and loving passing with her entire pack present. Our cat (who is clearly grieving) was able to spend a minute sniffing her so he too could understand. I am so grateful to them for their quick response, their gentle nature, and their complete understanding. If this is a path you must take, you won’t find a better group to help you. RIP Miss Dots. You were so loved. Thank you Caring Pathways for getting her over the rainbow bridge. Our hearts are broken but our memories are full.


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