Testimonial from Geri Sue Coe

Jul 21, 2022

March 14, 2022 we made the heart-wrenching decision to let my baby – Chloe cross the Rainbow Bridge 14yrs old and my heart – but it was time. I called Caring Pathways and they were the kindest and most caring people you could imagine in this moment. Dr. Steve Zachar came that afternoon and he was so calm and soothing – that was what was needed as we all were a mess. He allowed us to take the time we needed and explained everything. Never made me feel like he needed to go and we were taking up his time. He treated us as well as Chloe with gentleness and kindness. Because of Caring Pathways and these people who come to your home – we were able to let Chloe pass on her bed with all of us around her and holding her. That forever will be etched in our hearts. Your kindness and compassion in such a highly emotional state was so appreciated.

Thank you

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