
Feb 23, 2018

My Dear Dr. Lori, You came to me this past Sunday 3/26/14 at 1:30am at the very darkest hour of my life. I knew I had to say goodbye to my little 17 year old mini-dachshund Sadie. She’s been the daughter I never had and gave me such unconditional love I will treasure forever. I’ve lost a father and a husband within the same year. My Mom died last year around this time and the pain of course was great. But my heartbreak of losing Sadie right now hurts just as much. Your in-home service is a godsend. Sadie needed to have her last moments in my arms at home and not on the sterile table at the vet office. I’ve done that to my past pets and couldn’t fathom putting Sadie and myself through that final experience. Dr. Lowry you will be in my heart and thank-you prayers for the rest of my life. It’s just too bad Caring Pathways can’t administer the same loving end to humans whose life on this earth is at a close. Your sincere kindness is beyond measure. All of my friends are just as thankful that Caring Pathways exists.

Love always,

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