
A Testimonial from Morgan

Jul 30, 2024

I thought this would be the worst day, and it was. But it was comforting to know and receive such care for my little girl. She told me it was her time in her own way, and I made the call. On the morning of June 7, 2024, I couldn’t speak when I made the call; I couldn’t stop crying. The lady who answered understood and said, “I am going to take this as a euthanasia call,” to which I managed to respond with a word. We scheduled the appointment, and then I was fine. The hardest part of this whole thing was making the call. I was fine after that, to a point, and I got things prepared until I received the call that they were 15 minutes away. I lost it again and couldn’t greet Dr. Suzie, just held the door for her and took her to the room where Patty was. Suzie greeted Patty, and then Patty just closed her eyes and let Suzie do what she needed to do. She was ready and never opened her eyes again. Dr. Suzie had the most caring and healing way about her, and it was healing for me to watch that care for my little one. Patty left her brother Anakin; they were so close for a good 12 years. I thought he would be a mess, but he is doing just fine. She gave him the gift of dad, and now he has my full attention.

Thank you to all who work for Caring Pathways. You made this easier to deal with. A piece of my world is gone, but it was done with love and care, especially you, Dr. Suzie.

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