A Testimonial from Lisa

Dec 12, 2023

Our handsome elf-sphynx, Morty, had a short battle with cancer. When he grew too frail to continue, we reached out to Caring Pathways to help him. We were so conflicted – was it really time? Have we waited too long? Is this the right thing to do for our sweet boy? We just knew he couldn’t continue suffering and asked someone to come at their next availability. Dr. Angel (whose sweet personality matches her name) showed up with a gentle smile at 9p.m. to meet us, our other pets and Morty. She didn’t rush us – she wanted to know who Morty is, who we were and how we all shared our loving home together. She explained every step in a compassionate, non-scary way. When Morty met her, he liked her instantly and wanted her to hold him. She assured us that our decision was out of love and after we’d fought the good fight with him as much as we could. Although there were an abundance of tears shed, she helped provoke warm memories and even a little laughter. I cannot thank Dr. Angel enough for so lovingly helping free our boy from pain. So grateful for angels like her in our world.

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