
Oct 26, 2018

Hi Caring Pathways,
Your organization and Dr. Kerry Muhovich helped my cat, Tucker, pass very peacefully in my lap. Tucker was my companion for over 19 years, from when he was a 6-week old stray I took in until his body gave up on October 15, 2018. He accompanied me through all of my disappointments and triumphs, across the country and back, and while other relationships came and went. Through it all, he never complained, never got upset with me, never protested. He wanted nothing more than to be near me (often snuggled on my lap). He trusted me fully. And I learned from him just how much I could love another being.
I will miss Tucker forever. And I am forever grateful that Caring Pathways was there for us in this very difficult time of saying goodbye-for-now to our beloved Tucker. The last memory I have of Tucker, before Dr. Kerry took him away to be cremated, was our dog, Henry, giving Tucker kisses on his head. Tucker and Henry bonded in Tucker’s last 2 years of life. Attached is a photo of the two buddies. This photo makes me laugh every time I see it–it was early one weekend morning and I had just woken up. I love that this was the first thing I saw.
in profound gratitude,
Jen O’Donnell & Chris Cleavelin
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