
Feb 10, 2020

Theodore was not just a pet. He was a friend. A brother. A mentor. A listener. A shoulder to cry on. A pillow to lay on.

His fur was the softest thing you had ever felt, everyone told me that. I won’t forget the nights I needed him to fall asleep, feeling I’m jump up the bed and curl up on the pillow next to me, running my fingers through his fur, Hearing him snore in my ear, and always, always being there when I wake up.

He was always my rock in my hard times. Always my co pilot in the car wherever we went. And always under my feet wherever I sat. He was the best big brother to his little human sisters and showed them what real love and loyalty was at such an early age for them.

We went through many, many travels together, I strongly believe you were put in my life during the toughest part I was going through. You taught me so many amazing lessons in your short 7 years, you’re a love I’ll never forget. You’ll always be in my heart Theodore ❤️.

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