
Aug 18, 2020

April 15, 2005 – August 10, 2020

Our beloved and precious Golden Retriever, Sophie Marie Golliher, crossed the Rainbow Bridge into Rainbow Heaven on a beautiful Monday afternoon, August 10th surrounded by her second set of human parents, Bill & Ellen Golliher. Sophie had an amazing life, filled with adventure and love without limits. Sophie was also known as Soph, Sophie Marie, Baby Girl and Pretty Girl. Though Sophie was mature in age, she always maintained the heart of a puppy.

Sophie started her canine journey with her first set of parents, Cody & Kristin (Pribble) Golliher, May of 2005. Shortly after, Sophie set out for a great adventure in the desert of Phoenix, AZ. After a couple years, she returned to Colorado. Sophie, like so many adolescent Golden Retrievers had boundless energy and infinite tail wags and love for her chew toys.

Sophie announced she was going to be a Big Sister in the Spring of 2010 bounding down the steps of her home dressed in a t-shirt stating that fact. Hence, announcing that we would be becoming first time Grandparent’s later that year. She was VERY EXCITED about that! (as were we!)

Sophie came to live with Bill & Ellen shortly after the birth of their second Granddaughter. Sophie was 8 years old at that time. She quickly became an integral part of the family, becoming the Big Sister to her feline brother, Cooper. The 1st meeting between the 2 was something out of a cartoon, with Cooper splayed prone on a window screen. But then they became fast friends and companions – and we think sometimes “partners-in-crime” – such as opening the screen door for each other. Sophie accompanied Bill to work frequently and enjoyed the ride in the car as well as the other canine friends she got to hang out with.

Sophie LOVED walks, walking with a bounce in her step and with a wonderful sense of adventure and truly stopping to “smell the roses.” She LOVED to sniff and explore. Sophie LOVED her after dinner treats. She would patiently wait her “Nubz” and with treat in mouth, prance into the dining room to enjoy. Sophie also LOVED belly rubs, massages, drinking water with ice, lying on the floor in front of floor fans to keep cool, hanging out with us on the couch and later in front of us on the floor and an occasional bit of bacon. She loved hanging in the kitchen when a meal was being prepared. And she was a Colorado BUFF fan. (more on that)

There was little Sophie did not like. But thunder/lightening and fireworks were on that short list. On those nights she was held tightly by Bill or Ellen and eventually a ThunderJacket until the literal storm passed.
Sophie was a cancer survivor (2017) and lived with kidney disease, thyroid and high blood pressure. She was prone to ear infections and “lumpy/bumpy’s” on her body. Through it all, Sophie never ever seemed to have a bad day. Her spirit was ever loving and calm. And she did appear to smile much of the time. She was pure joy and unconditional love.

Sophie became a BUFF fan by attending “tailgate” events at longtime Friend, Stu Smith’s in Boulder. These were great days/afternoons/evenings for Sophie as she could engage with her canine friends, Bleu (Stu’s beloved, deceased, Bichon) – and Harry (Miniature Australian Shepherd). We would always kid before leaving the house to walk down to the game, of the parties they had when we were gone. One particular event stands out in all of our tailgate friend’s memories. As we were putting food away in the refrigerator, Harry’s Mom, Sharie, asked if Sophie could open the refrigerator. I responded no. After walking up to Stu’s house after the game, we entered the house to find friends on their hands and knees cleaning up the remnants of a feast had by all the doggies. Evidently, Sophie could open refrigerators! I still say, it was Harry’s idea! ☺️ And Sophie, ever eager to please, obliged.

We are so grateful to the many friends, family, neighbors and health care provider’s that cared for and loved Sophie. Francie –Adopted Aunt & loving neighbor and caretaker of Sophie (and Cooper) when we were gone from our home, along with Bob and Elizabeth – all kind and loving neighbors to feed, water and potty Sophie. To Stu, Sharie, Buck, Scott & Julie for their love, compassion and interest in Sophie. To Hannah and Ella, our caring and beautiful Granddaughters who were eager to walk, feed and give Sophie her Meds when they stayed with us and when Sophie stayed at their house. To Cody and Kristin, (son & daughter-in-law) who entrusted us with Sophie and provided care for Sophie when we went out-of-town. Sophie had a great “Medical Care Team”: Longmont Small Animal Hospital; Aspen Meadow Veterinary Specialists and Rocky Mountain Veterinary Dermatology. We are grateful and appreciative for providing great medical care, support and love to Sophie – THANK YOU ALL! Lastly, to Dr. Steve of Caring Pathways helping Sophie cross the Rainbow Bridge with great compassion, understanding and care.

We understand that memorializing our canine family members is not the norm. Sophie was so, so special and enriched our lives so much. It didn’t feel right, to not share “our story of Sophie” and her amazing life. If you are so inclined, please make a donation to an Animal Shelter of choice in Sophie’s honor.

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