
Mar 31, 2020

Rocky, my Little Boy. For 9 years he brought us, and everyone who met him, much joy & happiness, laughter & love. As I grieve, and try to heal from the loss of him, I ask myself — how do I move forward? My answer is— What would Rocky Do? Rocky would keep loving life and he wouldn’t give up. Rocky would always make the best of everything that came his way, all the while being happy and giving love. He survived a broken back at 11 months, and lost a leg to cancer 6 months ago. That was not going to stop him from enjoying life, running, jumping, playing ball, smiling, making us laugh and enjoying life with him. A few weeks ago we knew we had to save him from lung cancer. Life will never be the same, and it is very hard to move forward without him. I know he’s still watching me, still by my side and always in my heart, telling me not to give up, and to be happy because of him and the memories of him. That’s what Rocky would do.

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