
Feb 7, 2019

My Quigley. My constant steadfast and ever present companion, the love of my life, the funniest, handsomest, sweetest, sometimes naughtiest, fluffiest, and most handsome boy…

You are one of the most amazing and beautiful spirits I’ve ever known. You were my Velcro boy dog that ate more bad things than imaginable and lived to torture me with it! Your antics are legendary!!

My heart and home are void of a very large spirit… Quigley, you are missed more than I could ever begin to describe and I know time is the only healer. You are now always with me no matter where I go.

I am profoundly sad and grateful for you. You have been one of the biggest gifts in my life.

See you at the Rainbow Bridge Quigley, Quigs, Quigels, Quigmeister, Bubba, Naughty Dog, Boy Dog…. I will forever love you.

Jan. 23, 2007 – Jan. 14, 2019

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