
Jul 24, 2019

Olivia came into our lives in 2004 when a family was thinking of relinquishing her to a shelter. I was immediately struck by her beauty. Her eyes were gorgeous and her coat had a beautiful orange color underneath. When I first took Olivia to the veterinarian, there were forms to fill out and they asked for her breed. I simply wrote “Gorgeous” under breed. They told me that she was a tabby, but they left “Gorgeous” because it was just too true. Olivia had a unique personality. She called the shots, everything needed to go her way. Each morning, I woke up to her face in mine, nose to nose, eyes wide wanting to be fed. I always called her my “kitty alarm clock” Upon moving into our new house 7 years ago, Olivia began jumping up onto the shelf in the linen closet, so naturally, we allowed our linen closet to become “Olivia’s cabinet”. She enjoyed a good pet any time someone walked past.

After being diagnosed with diabetes, Olivia endured 6 years of insulin shots without complaint and bounced back from two hospitalizations like a champ. Olivia was constantly purring- she had a very loud motor. Now that she is gone, I am realizing what comforting background music that sweet purr really was.

Her favorite things included tuna, chicken, popcorn, ear pets, tormenting her dog brother, Bear, laying in the window watching the birds, sneaking outside to roll in the dirt, catching mice and moths and anything that grossed me out. The one thing that warms my heart is what Olivia loved most- being alone with me. She was great at laying on my lap and watching movies and had a knack for when I was feeling sad and lonely. I think that experiencing the unconditional love of a pet is one of life’s greatest gifts. I am so glad that Olivia was mine and that I had so many years with her. She will be missed.

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