
Jul 30, 2020

My Monique (MoMo)

August 27th, 2011 – July 20th, 2020

Monique – All I can say is there was quite a bit of activity between her relatively short dash! Momo brought so much love and personality to our home. She loved the water, chasing balls, riding in the truck, long walks, and her peanut butter bones! She especially loved her family including her companions OG and Lola. One of her favorite activities prior to the degenerative myelopathy that brutally took over her perfect, muscular body was running up and down the fence line harassing the dog next door! Thank you, Dr. Kim and the Caring Pathways team for making her transition peaceful. Momo, you were a truly special, one-of-a-kind dog that will always be loved and remembered. Until we meet again…

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