Maggie we love you

Feb 26, 2018

Maggie we love you
Our dear beloved boston terrier Maggie died this morning, we had Dr. Kelly Knoll from “Caring pathways” come and help Maggie go to be with the Lord. It was ever so hard watching Maggie suffer, she was very brave and we knew in our hearts that there was no other option. We asked some friends to pray for us and Maggie. Once the doctor got here she sedated Maggie and she quieted down for the rest of the procedure. Barb told Maggie that she was going ahead but we would be seeing her when it was our time. Both Barb and I believe this to the bottom of our hearts. It seems really clear that God blesses our animal friends with the gift of His love and compassion so that they can minister to our needs with their unconditional love (which God gives them). We know Our Lord loves for people, and I believe all of his creatures to be instruments of his love for others. No one can be on the receiving end of this love and not feel this. Maggie was born on July 15th, 2002 and died on April 2nd,2016. Her ashes will be scattered on Gods good earth, we dearly love her and expect to be with her again. We are most grateful that a loving God gave us Maggie. May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep her in his bosom.

-Ed and Barb Sears
Northglenn, Colorado
April 2nd, 2016

Maggie Lives!

Having been gifted by God with dreams of loved ones and friends who have passed shortly following their deaths, I truly believe these are gifts from the Lord letting me know my friends are with Him. Just before waking up this morning, Maggie walked up to me to greet me. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was her! I scooped her up in my arms, lavishing her with all the love I had. Then I handed her over to Barbara so she could do the same. God is so gracious and compassionate, a dream is a small thing, but sometimes they can hold very precious meaning, certainly this is the case with this one. God gives with joyful abandon to bless those who love Him. Thank you Heavenly Father, and bless you.

Ed Sears
Northglenn, Colorado
April 24th, 2016

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