
Jul 26, 2022

Since I have dog allergies, we started out with smaller breed non-allergic dogs. Jessie our first golden doodle was our first “bigger” breed dog. She was such a sweet animal and became my husband’s spoiled favorite dog from the first day. She loved to be outside and would sit out on our back deck and stare out into the open space we bordered. The weather in Colorado was never a deterrent as more than once we found her with a small mound of snow on her head. Some puppy challenges with her from the start as we began to have various clothing items most commonly socks, and underwear disappear periodically only to reappear in the back yard with a slight color change from her stomach acids. Jessie loved to play ball too, her and our oldest cockapoo, Abby would play for hours if someone was willing to throw it to them. As she grew older her desire to sit outside faded but her love of playing catch never did. When we lost Abby, Jessie immediately assumed the role of alpha dog and she maintained that until the day we had to say goodbye. Even though she was outweighed by the other two by over 40 lbs. each she never hesitated to let them know who was boss. The male German Shepherd was particularly amusing because of the way he reacted to her scoldings. She came along with us no matter where we lived even when we began to travel by RV between Colorado and South Carolina every six months. We will never forget the joy that Jessie brought us. She was truly a prime example of our BEST FRIEND and 13 years wasn’t anywhere near enough time. We will miss you forever, Jessie. 💔

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