
Feb 26, 2018

This is Jeremy. I found her sitting in a stair well and as I went back to my apartment, she followed me in and made herself at home on my bed. I called out of work sick to get some kitty things and a week later, the vet let me know he was a she. I accidentally adopted my first kitty.

She was my snuggle bunny and my love muffin. I had the best worst sleep as she kept me up most nights. She helped me get ready in the mornings (she loved the hair dryer), she greeted me when I came home, and she waited patiently for me to get ready for bed. She loved her supervised outdoor time to eat grass and explore and it was a joy to watch her and Daddy fight with the blankie to get into sleeping position each morning before I left for work. I loved those rare times when Jeremy and her kitty sister Pumba would snuggle together for a few moments before a fight would begin. There are so many good and wonderful memories.

Jeremy was diagnosed with kidney disease a few years ago–we knew how this would end. We lived life day by day and gave a ton of loves. Each day was a blessing. Jeremy was 18 years young when we had to say goodbye to her October 17, 2016. She is now with her Angus that passed May 19, 2006. Jeremy is Pumba’s guardian angel to watch over and keep her safe. I miss Jeremy so very much.

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