
Nov 9, 2023

When Jackson came into my life in 2017 they told me he was probably about 10 years old and maybe had another 2 years in him. He was originally named Cody and I still think that’s why I had such a bond with him from the first second that I saw his picture.

They just wanted him to have a loving family before he passed on. They said he was not super friendly with people, he didn’t like to play and it was hard to place him. The former show dog had an attitude but a cute face and I immediately understood his frustration with people. From the minute he walked in the house he was exactly the opposite. He played, he was sweet, and loved to give kisses and hang out on the couch and watch TV with me. 6 years later he was still with me and I thought, they must’ve been wrong about his age. For a 16 year old dog, he was still pretty spry. He jumped for food, went hiking, and came on trips all over the country.

In the last couple of months everything changed. It was evident that Jackson had canine dementia. He was a completely different dog. We knew his quality of life had done a complete 180. I tried everything I could and somewhere deep inside, I thought he’d be back to his old self one day and it would just be a blip but it wasn’t. I’ve never spent this much time with a pet and I didn’t really realize how attached to him I had become. He was my emotional support dog, he was my best friend, my buddy on cold nights, my protector on walks alone, and my biggest fan! To say that I am devastated is a massive understatement. The hole this little guy is leaving behind is massive.

Go hug and kiss your pets today! ❤️

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