
Nov 20, 2019

A tribute to Hudson Kronebusch:

Hudson you were a part of our lives in every way! You have made us the happiest parents. The moment we met you, was one of the BEST days of our lives. We’ve had so many wonderful memories with you. Hudson, you make us laugh every day, you cheer us up when we are down, you comfort us when we need it the most. You are ONE OF A KIND! Everyone that met you loved you. You are just a softy and have the biggest heart. You were our first child and have our hearts. We are so grateful you chose us to have you in our lives.

It absolutely tears me apart knowing you are no longer with us. I’m so sorry your life was cut way to short. Although I think you’ve had the best 5 years of your life, I am selfish and want 7 more with you. I am angry, frustrated, sad, hurt and all the other emotions that comes with losing a loved one. Most of all I wish we could snap of our fingers and go back to save you. Unfortunately, God said it was your time to go. I’m not really sure why he needed you so bad. But I think Heaven needs the best friendly greeter when people arrive at the gates. I know you are going to welcome everyone in and make them feel at home. Knowing this, helps me just a little bit.

Hudson was put to rest on Saturday, November 9th around 9pm by Caring Pathways. We were able to spend the last few hours of his life, sitting in our truck at home, loving on him and talking about the wonderful memories we have had together as a family. It really sucks that we lost our first baby! It was an emotional roller coaster over the past 2 ½ weeks prior. From being optimistic that he was going to be okay, to having the clinic basically tell us they don’t know what is causing his kidneys to fail and sending him home. We finally learned that he had Lymes Disease. After asking the clinic several times if it could be Lymes they said no it can’t be, that it is only in the upper NE corner of the US!!!! Finally, we asked them to give us medication for that and to test. Sure, enough the final day of his life we got a confirmed test. We did not want to give up on our best friend. Saturday, we went to CSU because we were told by another clinic, if we really want one last shot, they are the best of the best. It’s too bad, his kidneys couldn’t hold on any longer for the medication to kick in. It was too late for anything more. We told Hudson we would listen to him and let him go if he couldn’t fight anymore. We heard him clearly that night!

To all of you who live in CO or travel with your pet. Colorado is not common for Lyme’s, hence why the clinic didn’t think that’s what it was. We told them, more than once he travels to MN quite often. When we took matters into our own hands, we found an interactive map to show us where Lyme’s Disease generally is. Sure, enough MN had confirmed Lymes cases all over the state. The test to test for this disease was only $100 and you get results back in 2-3 days. The medication is not harmful to your beloved pet if you jump on it before getting the results back. Do yourself a favor and demand a test. Even if your clinic doesn’t agree. You could save your pets life. Now we know more about this deadly disease. Get your dog vaccinated!!

If Hudson can save a few more dogs lives, than that would comfort us and help us justify this horrible tragedy to our best of friend and beloved baby of ours. Our hearts are broken and only time can help us. Rest in peace Hudson!!

Love your family,
Shawn, Amanda and Harper Kronebusch

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