

Jun 16, 2024

We had to say goodbye to our beautiful sweet Daisy Pupup on May 23, 2024. My heart is broken into about a million pieces still. She was the sweetest, most loving, silly girl and is already missed so much. It was so unbelievably hard to say goodbye to her, it’s just not the same without her. I miss the pitter patter of her little feet walking and running through the house, her tail thumping on the floor when we would walk past her. I’m also missing the way she would start barking the moment she heard the garage door open, she was always so excited and happy to see us, even if we were only gone for just 10 minutes. But most of all I am missing her Chewbacca growl when we walked up to give her love and her incessant barking and zoomies when it was chow time for my little “chow, chow”.

Even with the pain she was in she didn’t want to leave us, even at the end and it wasn’t surprising since she was always our fierce little protector, making sure we were ok. I know she’s in a better place and is no longer in pain, but it doesn’t make the loss and sadness any easier. If love alone could have saved her, she would be with us forever. She was the best girl, always right by my side when I needed it the most.

To my “Pupup girl,” your unconditional love meant the world to me and you left your little paw prints on my heart forever. You will always hold a very special place in my heart that no other dog will ever be able to replace. Your love was there for me until the very end and I’m grateful for every moment we had together.

Until we meet again my sweet girl, run and play free of pain and sickness and just know how very much loved and cherished you were to all of us. Rest in peace my sweet angel girl, you are missed so very much.

A special thank you to the Caring Pathways hospice team, Dr. Megan and Dr. Kerry. You all made this process bearable and all of the compassion every single person on our team showed meant a lot to me. Thank from the bottom of my heart and for taking such great care of my sweet girl until the very end.


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