
Feb 26, 2018

The day I walked into the Aurora animal shelter 14 years ago I could never have known how strongly it would effect not just my life but the life of my husband and 3 daughters as well. Walking through the kennels seeing all those sweet dogs just wanting someone to take them home I wondered how I would ever chose…then I came across this kennel at the end and I instantly stopped, knelt down and was looking into the most beautiful round brown eyes I have ever seen, it was love at first site!!! I knew instantly this little girl was the perfect fit for our family…besides I am sure my husband would understand…what’s one more girl in the house right.

From that day on my love for Cassie just grew. She blended into our family perfectly. She became a best friend, wonderful protector and guardian, especially for our girls, not to mention a play mate, and such a fun and loyal dog who just always wanted more ear scratches and love. When we decided to add to our animal kingdom Cassie was the best teacher to our new addition Toby. She whipped him into shape in no time 🙂

Through all the years of ups and downs Cassie was a constant smile in my life! Seeing her would always, no matter what, bring a smile to my face and make me feel like everything was just fine, snuggling up to her fury lion main (as she was half Golden and half chow) was so comforting to me in those 14 years.

The last year or so was difficult as she struggled with an issue with her foot we could never get cleared up no matter what the vets tried and in the last month she would mainly use only her 3 good legs to get around…even as she became weaker she still tried to go on walks as she loved to sniff EVERYTHING. The hard decision came regarding her quality of life and that it was time to let her go to heaven and be restored to that beautiful vibrant young girl she once was. We contacted Caring Pathways as we wanted to give her a special send off and not drag her into a cold Vet for her last moments on earth. Caring Pathways was the BEST decision! Dr Walters was so wonderful, she spent time with our precious girl before we started and was very thorough in explaining how everything would take place. I was so blessed to be the one laying in the front yard under the large tree in Cassie’s favorite spot holding her and looking into her beautiful brown eyes as they closed for the last time.

I love you Cassie and you will FOREVER be in our hearts and always will be on my mind and I am so excited to see you again in heaven someday where I can watch you run and play on all 4 legs 🙂 All my love Mom!

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