
Feb 26, 2018

After almost 17 years, we said good to one of my very best friends. Callisto was named after a character on the old show Xena warrior princess that we watched with our children, and she was a sweet, very loving beagle. She was also very smart and strong willed, and as such, she pretty much had us trained! Callisto loved to be held and petted and she was happiest when she was with us.

She was fortunately very healthy until her last 6 months and never required much, except love and attention. But she gave us so much in return. As a person working from home, she was a near constant companion, enduring listening to my long conference calls. She even moved her “bed” from its normal spot in our bedroom to our den to be near me when I had to stay up all night working on a paper –and she was already 16 then. In fact, she was still trudging through 6-8 inches of snow about this time last year – her ability to adapt and persevere was inspiring.

She was an amazing part of our family, and we miss her so much.

I want to thank Dr. Magnuson for making this process as positive as possible. He also trudged through the snow to help us give her a very peaceful ending, and we are eternally grateful for what he did and does.

Michael Horne

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