
Jul 22, 2020


What an incredible ride it has been with you by my side for the last 14 years. We have been through so much together, and when the world and life seemed shaky I knew you would be right beside me looking up at me with those big brown eyes letting me know we got this. You have touched so many lives and have taught me what the true meaning of love is. You never judged a person, and would walk up to anyone. I will never forget the day you walked up to a homeless person that everyone kept walking pass, and you and the gentleman looked and smiled at each other, my guess would be he hadn’t smiled in a long time. But you brought a smile to peoples lives and it was hard not to feel happy. You touched many kids lives as well, I will never forgot the little girl in Dillon who walked away from her parents just so she could hug and kiss you.

Even animals loved you. I’ll never forget when the neighborhood squirrel followed you inside the house so it could hang out with you. After a long day I knew I could come home and snuggle up next to you and feel my body and mind relax, you were always there to lick up tears. Walks and hikes were our favorite activity and you kicked butt on those trials. The mountains were your favorite place, whether on a trial, in the mountain stream, or a lake you were in your element. The mountains will NEVER be the same without you.

You are a brave little guy and gave cancer a fight. You never gave in even up until your last day when your body was shutting down, your little soul kept fighting. I love you, will always love you. Life will never be the same again, you may not physically be beside me, but your in my heart and I will make sure till my dying day I continue to live for the both of us. Brody, Brods, B man, B, the little man, Otis, as much as it pains me; run free, feel the wind in your face, and jump in all the water you can. I know you are no longer in pain and that makes me happy. I did not deserve you, but am so blessed I got to be loved by you!! I love you so much!!!! Until we meet again…


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