Bitty Kitty

Sep 10, 2021

My Daddy brought Bitty Kitty home in 2003. A coworker of his found her in their barn. Bitty Kitty was always on my Momma’s lap soaking up her love, occasionally she would lay on my Dad’s stomach while we watched TV. No matter how small she was, she was always queen to the dogs in her life.. Grrrmeow was in charge! She loved to sit on her butt in the sun while her stomach was just hanging🤙 out. Or lay on the porch on her back with the sun on her belly. We said good bye to Bitty Kitty on Friday sept 3rd. 💕 Over the rainbow bridge she goes to join the rest of the gang waiting for her. I promise she put them all in their place when she got there. We love you forever Bitty Kitty😥


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