It is always difficult seeing our pets in need. It can be particularly difficult when its late at night and sound advice is hard to find. We have put together some ideas to help you reduce the chances of a late night emergency and stay calm if one does happen.

Stay Calm

We all have heard we are to stay calm in a crisis but thats hard to do when thinking of our own pets. It may help to stay clear headed if you remember that you have always done your best for your pet. Repeat to yourself as needed “I am doing my best for my loved one“. 

Know Where to Go, if You Choose to Go

If your pet is towards the end of its natural life its common to have made the decision that no more medical care, short of euthanasia, will be provided. Its also common to want to know your options for care at any time. All pet owners should know the phone number and directions to their closest veterinary ER. If you choose to go, call ahead to ensure there is space or to get directions to the next closest option. 

Warning Signs

Bad days are often followed by bad nights when it comes to end-of-life concerns with your pet. Take the bad days as an indication that end of life plans should be discussed with family. Family members who aren’t as aware of the bad days should be advised how that is affecting all family members. 

Consider Hospice Care

Veterinary hospice care does not dictate how and when or even if euthanasia of a pet will occur. By enlisting the services of veterinary care providers for hospice more individualized plans can be devised. Such plans can reduce the possibility of late night emergencies. At Caring Pathways, we are happy to provide such options by appointment.

Give Yourself Grace

If you find yourself awake with your ailing pet late at night, know that you know your pet and their comforts better than anyone. Whatever you decide to do is going to be in the best interest of your pet.

Written by: Dr. Kerry Muhovich, Caring Pathways Veterinarian

Dr. Muhovich is a graduate of Colorado State University veterinary school. She has worked in various areas of veterinary medicine, including shelter medicine, animal behavior, general practice, teaching techs, and end of life care. She has found her career home in end of life care. Dr. Muhovich is certified in canine rehabilitation, fear free, and low stress handling.

Dr. Muhovich loves serving her clients and patients in the comfort of their homes. She loves all cats and dogs, and is honored to help pets in need.

Mandi Browning
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