Written by: Mandi Browning

Today is Mabel’s 16th birthday and also the anniversary of the death of her brother, Goku. It is a strange day for us and we celebrate one of our babies and grieve the other. Mabel is doing pretty well. Her appetite hasn’t been too good but she seems to have good energy and is very cuddly.

She recently started howling. We are trying to figure out if it from pain or wanting attention. She does it when we go to bed or when we are in another room. She stops as soon as I pick her up. She have never done it before and it concerns me. Every new little thing concerns me.

If you have a pet in a similar situation to Mabel please visit our In-Home Pet Hospice Care page.

About the Author

Mandi Browning is the Grief Support Specialist at Caring Pathways. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in thanatology (death, dying and bereavement). Her heart is to help and guide you through this end of life journey of grief with your precious companion.

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