With April 30th being “National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day”, we at Caring Pathways would like to shine a light on an often overlooked segment of the pet population that makes up possibly the highest risk group at shelters: senior pets.

If you have had a pet, you probably realize that dogs and cats age faster than humans, with pets older than 7 years typically being considered “seniors”. And there are many reasons that older pets end up in shelters (elderly owner that can no longer care for them, major changes in the owner(s) lives, etc) – please don’t assume that they are there through some fault of their own. However, just because they are aged does not mean they do not have a lot of life left and plenty of love to give!

In fact, there are some great benefits to adopting an older animal. Often times these furry friends are already housebroken. In addition, they may have training for other tasks and commands. In general they are more mellow and lower energy which may make them an easier fit into some people’s lifestyles. They are already full grown so you do not have to wonder how big they are going to get. These are just a few of the many reasons to consider offering one of these kind souls a loving forever home.

Of course, with age comes different health considerations. Your senior pet will need regular veterinary checkups to ensure they live the longest, happiest life possible. Often times, older animals are in need of dental care, bloodwork for monitoring their condition, and potentially medication to help with conditions such as arthritis, metabolic disease, or other health issues. But the love they have to share will pay you back ten-fold.

Senior Pets Available At the Dumb Friends League in Denver, Colorado

As of today, April 30th, 2019, The Dumb Friends League shelter in Denver has senior pets available!

Here is a list of the available senior pets at the Dumb Friends League:

Chico, 7-years-old
Bast, 11-years-old
Sylvester, 15-years-old
Squiggles (left), 10-years-old and Moonlight (right), 5-years-old
Lolly, 11-years-old
Marley, 9-years-old
Ziggy, 7-years-old
Smokey, 10-years-old
Beauty, 11-years-old

For more information on these senior pets, the Dumb Friends League and where to find the shelter, click here: https://www.ddfl.org/visit-us/

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