From the moment you take your new furry family member home with you, there is one reality that nobody can escape: in the best of circumstances and if everything goes as planned, one day you will say goodbye to your beloved pet. Preparing for the loss of a pet can help...
We know saying goodbye to your beloved furry family member is the hardest decision you will make. Our team at Caring Pathways created this playlist to help provide a calming and reflective atmosphere when that time comes 💜. A Pet Loss Grief Support Playlist We...
The following article is intended to give pet families a general idea of what to expect when scheduling in-home euthanasia appointment for your loved one. Please give our team a call or send us an email if you have any questions about this process. Before Your...
From Ross Taylor, “I’m an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, and have been a photojournalist for more than 20 years. My website is: and Instagram is: @rosstaylorphoto. “Last Moments,” is a photo...
At the conclusion of a euthanasia appointment, as I gently tuck in the beloved pet, pet owners often say to me, “I don’t know how you do this job.” As a veterinarian who works exclusively in end-of-life care, I can honestly say that I love my job. That is not to say...
We understand that this is one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make. And in these unprecedented and uncertain times, the reality is that our current situation makes this whole experience even more unexpected and stressful than it “typically”...