From Ross Taylor, “I’m an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, and have been a photojournalist for more than 20 years. My website is: and Instagram is: @rosstaylorphoto. “Last Moments,” is a photo...
As a gentle reminder, particularly if attempting a DIY paw print, remember that many pets are sensitive about their paws and may be wary if you’re asking them to dip their paws in paint, salt dough or other medium. Be sure to give lots of treats, take breaks, or...
Did you know that November is National Senior Pet Month? It is also Pet Cancer Awareness month. With this in mind, here are some tips for keeping your senior pets healthy and happy. Tip #1: Be proactive in your senior pet’s health In our senior pets, the...
Written by: Mandi Browning Mabel has been doing well since her last vet appointment in the Spring. Her kidney levels had decreased again and she looks good overall. She has a bit of a heart murmur now but that is to be expected of an almost 18 year old cat. Mabel now...
As I look out of my window today at the beautiful Rocky Mountains and the crisp Colorado blue sky, it brings me great appreciation for all of the hard work that firefighters and first responders have done this year to protect our state. Unfortunately, a lot of these...