Thank you for all the love you gave me,
You made me feel special and loveable
I loved you so much
Your ever so soft fur
The way you rubbed noses with me and I told you I loved you
The way you rolled over for your tummy to be rubbed
Your playfulness
Your fascination with water – the bath drinking from the kitchen tap, drinking from vases constantly knocking water over
Your curiousity – always so curious about what was going on
Your companionship – you loved being with me whatever I was doing and I loved you being there too
I can’t begin to tell you how sad I am
How I miss you
I want to see your face at the window at the door
To have one last cuddle
One last time hearing you climb the wrungs of my bed
Bring a smile to my face
Your easy light-hearted gentle loving energy
I’m so sorry what happened to you
I wish I could take it all away and wake up yesterday when you were here with me in my bed and sharing a lovely morning cuddle
I love you Indie and I miss you