Testimonial from Carrie Moore

Jun 20, 2023

Dear Magnus,
You came into our lives 19 years ago. Your Chihuahua/ Pomeranian mix, white short hair, with a brown head and a large brown spot on the left hand side of your body. You grew into your own sometimes stubborn, laughable way. You gave us so many beautiful memories. From going on walks to taking a trip to Santa Fe, NM. I started to slowly notice signs of slowing down. Your cute little bear like face was getting whiter. Then I started to notice you were getting thinner, you were sleeping a lot. On June 5th you walked the 12 feet from your crate to my office, and that is where I found you on the floor. I picked you up one last time, and held you tight. You somehow remembered that I was in my office and you let me know it was time. The Veterinarian came and with in minutes you were gone. I kissed you one last time, grabbed your little paws. Mommy and Daddy love you, always. Until we meet again.

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